
January 1, 2018 Off By Chris Berner

Welcome to my blog.


Here you will find my random musings, rants, raves, observations, thoughts, feelings, and other ideas that tend to congregate in my head.


A few answers to questions you may have:


What is the significance of the blog title?

Since it’s very difficult to categorize random musings, I thought the title, That’s What I’m Talking About, would serve as a general catch-all for anything I might want to discuss. My apologies for the trite saying.


Are you going to use bad words?

Not gratuitously, but yes, there will be some occasional blue language.


How often can I expect new content?

My goal is to publish something every other week, but posts may come faster or slower depending on my mood, schedule, and the various voices in my head.


Will your posts anger me?

At some point I will probably say some things that you don’t agree with. How you handle it is up to you.


Can I make comments?

Yes, but I reserve the right to edit and delete as I see fit. My blog, my rules.


Is there an overall theme?

There will be posts on some common topics that I enjoy writing about – golf, cars, travel, cycling – but anything and everything is fair game.


Will the content make me think?

I certainly hope so.


Please subscribe if you want to be notified when I publish a new piece.

